Bagni della Regina Giovanna

It is said that the Queen of Naples Giovanna II of Anjou, in the 15th century, met her lovers in a natural swimming pool located on the Punta del Capo of Sorrento, a place that for centuries here has been called Bagni della Regina Giovanna.

We challenge anyone to find a more evocative, romantic and secluded place than this one, moreover flanked by an archaeological site.
Today, like the queen, you can dive too.

The surprising natural triangle-shaped pool enclosed by rocks and vegetation known as Bagni della Regina Giovanna can be reached with a nice 30-minute walk from the center of Sorrento.

The place is located on the cliffs of Capo di Sorrento where the remains of the imposing Roman villa of Pollio Felice (1st century AD) stand, one of the many built on the Sorrento Coast, a sought-after holiday resort for the rich people of Campania, of whom descriptions from chroniclers of the time.
Moreover, with the transfer of the imperial court to Capri, commissioned by the emperor Tiberius, this was an area particularly sought after by the Roman aristocracy.

From the various rooms of the villa you could enjoy the view towards Vesuvius to the east, towards Ischia to the north and towards Punta Campanella and Capri to the west; it also had a portico with marble columns that sloped down towards the sea.

On the eastern side you can see the remains of 6 rooms with barrel vaults, which still bear traces of the stucco that covered them. The villa was connected to the natural swimming pool by various passages, including covered ones, and by stairs and terraces.

Today the Bagni della Regina Giovanna can be accessed freely from the path on land, as well as on board a boat by sea: in the latter case, pay attention to the currents at the mouth of the natural pool, which directly overlooks the open sea.

Don’t forget that you are inside an archaeological area: here you will not find chiringuitos or restaurants, so equip yourself with the food and water you need for the day and don’t forget to throw your waste in the recycling area.

The best time to enjoy the wonder of this protected oasis is the beginning of summer, when the Baths are not yet too crowded and the milder temperatures make the return walk, which is uphill, less demanding.

During high season it is to be avoided during the central hours of the day: if you are looking for a bit of intimacy, like the queen, go there at dawn or dusk.